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We offer you Christian resources aimed at providing Christlike discipleship
Pastor Nico Ferreira introduces his book and his ministry, Choices Trust. In our book store you will discover Free Christian Resources for Living in Jesus Christ
''In this book, Pastor Nico Ferreira offers biblical solutions to some of the problems faced by youth today. He urges young people to make choices that will shape and impact their lives positively by reading the Bible in order to receive God's 4Ps blessings which are His Presence, Power, Provision and Plan'' - Ronald Khumalo
Pastor Nico was born in Rusape, Zimbabwe in 1972. He completed his primary and secondary schooling in Zimbabwe. God called him to full-time Christian service at the age of 14 years when he was involved in a serious car accident that almost took his life. God saved and healed him in a life changing manner. Since God healed him, he has been involved in full-time Christian service and is Living in Jesus Christ.
Pastor Nico is married and God has blessed him and his wife with 3 sons. He loves God, God's people and God's Word.
Pastor Nico has a passion for sharing Free Christian Resources and these are available in the book store
Parents In God's Truth encourages anyone who is nurturing and caring for children to bring them up in the truth of God's Word.
God is for nurturing strong families. God delights to see God's Word being embraced as the standard for all family interaction. Unfortunately families and marriages are facing increased pressure from many sources.
It is hoped that Parents In God's Truth will provide help to bring God's solution and direction to overcome these daily pressures.
Uniting with God to build Christ centered homes will see God moving in a mighty way to strengthen the bonds of unity and love.
Discipleship has been written for those who are passionate to see new converts in Jesus Christ grounded in the truth of God's Word.
Discipleship presents the authority of God's Word as the absolute authority from which new converts should be grounded and shaped in. Discipleship highlights God's Word as God's best from which all wise and Godly choices should be made.
Discipleship is a call to all who are involved in discipling others to return to God's Word. In returning to God's Word, God will move through His Word and God's people will become Christlike.
Building Disciples has been written to encourage and strengthen Christians who are engaged in business. This book highlights the value of embracing the Lordship of Jesus Christ, the wisdom of God's word and the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Committing to do this will ensure that business is done God's way for the glory of God Almighty alone. This book will challenge you to fully trust God and submit your whole life to Him.
Bâtir des Disciples a été écrit pour
encourager et renforcer les chrétiens
engagés dans les affaires. Ce livre
souligne la valeur de vivre dans selon la
volonté de Jésus-Christ, la sagesse de la
parole de Dieu et la direction du Saint-
Esprit. S'engager à le faire garantira que
les affaires se dérouleront à la manière de
Dieu, pour la gloire de Dieu Tout-Puissant
seul. Ce livre vous mettra au défi de faire
pleinement confiance à Dieu et de lui
soumettre toute votre vie.
During and after the global Covid 19 lockdowns the Holy Spirit moved me to type weekly prayers and post them out to the many contacts stored in my phone. I continued to write and share these weekly prayers to strengthen, encourage and prayerfully draw the recipients into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. Just recently I have been encouraged to assemble these prayers into a booklet. These prayers glorify and honour the living, loving and reigning God of the Bible. God’s holy word is incorporated into each prayer. It is my prayer that as you prayerfully read these prayers, you will hear the voice of God and be moved to worship Him in Spirit and in truth. The ‘hour’ is upon us. ‘But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and truth’. (John 4: 23 – 24). If you are not yet a ‘born again child of God’, perhaps in reading these prayers, you will experience this miracle….’whoever calls on the Name of the LORD shall be saved.’ (Romans 10:13).
''Mubhuku rino, Pastor Nico Ferreira vanopa mazano anobva muBhaibheri ekugadzirisa mamwe ematambudziko anosangana nevechidiki nhasi uno. Vanokurudzira vechidiki kuti vaite sarudzo dzinoumba nekushandura hupenyu hwavo nenzira yakanaka, kubudikidza nekuverenga Bhaibheri kuti vagashire maropafadzo mana amwari anoti: Huvepo hwaMwari, simba, kupa kwaMwari,
nehurongwa hwaMwari." - Ronald Khumalo.
Pastor Nico vakaberekerwa kwaRusape muZimbabwe mugore ra1972. Vakaita primary nesecondary yavo muZimbabwe. Mwari vakavadana kuti vaite basa ravo pavaive nemakore 14 apo vakaita tsaona yemota yakaipisisa kwazvo zvekuti yakapotsa yatora hupenyu hwavo. Mwari vakavaponesa nekuvaporesa nenzira inoshamisa. Kubva pavakaponeswa, havana rimwe basa ravakazoita kunze kwekushandira Mwari.
Pastor Nico vakaita, uye vakapedza zvidzidzo zvavo zvehufundisi pachikoro
cheNazarene Theological College chiri kuMuldersdrift, South Africa. Vakaendawo kunyika yelsrael kunozvionera nyika yakashandirwa nalshe Jesu. Mwari vakazovapa basa rekuti vave mufundisi kuchechi yeNazarene kuKitwe, muZambia.
Mushure mekudzoka muZimbabwe, Mwari vakavasanganisa nemudzimai wavo Katie uye vakabva varopafadza nevana vatatu. Parizvino mufundisi wepachechi
yeNazarene iri muAvondale. Pastor Nico vanoda Mwari uyewo neshoko raMwari.
''Dans ce livre, le pasteur Nico Ferreira propose des solutions bibliques à certains des problèmes auxquels sont confrontés les jeunes d'aujourd'hui. Il exhorte les jeunes à faire des choix qui façonneront et auront un impact positif sur leur vie en lisant la Bible afin de recevoir les bénédictions des 4P de Dieu qui sont sa présence, sa puissance, sa provision et son plan'' - Ronald Khumalo
Le pasteur Nico est né à Rusape, au Zimbabwe, en 1972. Il a terminé ses études primaires et secondaires au Zimbabwe. Dieu l’a appelé au service chrétien à plein temps à l’âge de 14 ans lorsqu’il a été impliqué dans un grave accident de voiture qui a failli lui coûter la vie. Dieu l'a sauvé et guéri d'une manière qui a changé sa vie. Depuis que Dieu l’a guéri, il est impliqué dans le service chrétien à plein temps et vit en Jésus-Christ.
Le pasteur Nico est marié et Dieu l'a béni, lui et sa femme, avec 3 fils. Il aime Dieu, le peuple de Dieu et la Parole de Dieu.
Le pasteur Nico a une passion pour le partage de ressources chrétiennes gratuites et celles-ci sont disponibles à la librairie.
Le discipleship a été écrit pour ceux qui sont passionnés de voir les nouveaux convertis en Jésus-Christ ancrés dans la vérité de la Parole de Dieu.
Le discipleship présente l'autorité de la Parole de Dieu comme l'autorité absolue à partir de laquelle les nouveaux convertis doivent être ancrés et façonnés. Le discipleship met en évidence la Parole de Dieu comme le meilleur de Dieu à partir duquel toutes les choix sages et divins doivent être faits.
Le discipleship est un appel à tous ceux qui sont impliqués dans le discipulat des autres à retourner à la Parole de Dieu. En revenant à la Parole de Dieu, Dieu se movera à travers Sa Parole et le peuple de Dieu deviendra christo-like.
Les Parents Dans La Verite De Dieu encourage tous ceux qui élèvent et s'occupent d'enfants à les élever dans la vérité de la Parole de Dieu.
Dieu est pour les familles fortes. Dieu se réjouit de voir la Parole de Dieu être embrassée comme la norme pour toute interaction familiale. Malheureusement, les familles et les mariages sont confrontés à une pression accrue de nombreuses sources.
On espère que Parents In God's Truth apportera de l'aide pour apporter la solution et la direction de Dieu pour surmonter ces pressions quotidiennes.
S'unir à Dieu pour construire des foyers centrés sur Christ verra Dieu se mouvoir d'une manière puissante pour renforcer les liens d'unité et d'amour.
Vanhu vachangobva mukutendeuka vanoda kuwana dzidziso inovaita kuti vakure mukutenda nekuda Jesu Kristu neShoko rake. Kutevera Jesu ibhuku rakanyorwa nechinangwa ichochi chakakosha. Kutevera Jesu rinokurudzira muverengi kuti abatisise Shoko raMwari sechinhu chakakoshesesa pazvinhu zvaMwari! Kutevera Jesu rinosimbisa kukosha kwekuverenga, kwekunzwisisa nekushandisa Shoko raMwari pakuita sarudzo dzakangwara uye dzinobatsira muhupenyu hwemunhu. Idzi isarudzo dzinoratidza kuda kwaMwari. Sarudzo dzinounza maropafadzo aMwari anoshamisa uye asingadziviswe. Zvakakosha kurangarira kuti Mwari vanokoka vanhu vari kudzidza kutevera Jesu kuti vabatane navo mubasa rekudzidzisa nekubatsira vamwe. Mwari vanotipa zvese zvingadiwe kuti tiite basa ravo murwendo rwekuve vateveri vaJesu. Patinozvipira kuna Mwari, tichaona Mwari vachibata hupenyu hwevanhu kubudikidza nekuzvipira kwedu kukudanwa kwedu naMwari. Kana zvada, vamwe vanobva vafanana naKristu!
Bhaibheri ndiro chinhu chakaedzwa chikaonekwa kuti chinodiwa pakukudza vana nenzira yaMwari. Bhaibheri rine huchenjeri hwaMwari hwekuti vabereki vakudze vana vavo mumaropafadzo nehuchenjeri hwaMwari. Mushoko raMwari mune zvese zvinodiwa pakuumba hunhu hunofadza Mwari uyewo nenzira yekukudza vana inotevedza nzira yaMwari.
Shoko raMwari kuna Muparidzi 1:9 rinodzidzisa kuti ‘Chakanga chiripo, chichazovapozve, chakamboitwa chichaitwazve; hapana chitsva pasi pezuva.’ Bhaibheri rinotidzidzisa kuti hapana chitsva pasi pezuva. Maonero aya anoramba ari echokwadi kuvanhu venguva dzakare, nevenguva dzino kana nevenguva dzinouya. Shoko raMwari richaramba riri chokwadi chisingashanduke nekusingaperi. Mwari neshoko ravo havashanduke.
The God of the Holy Bible is the greatest of all teachers. Teachers who are Christian have received the infilling of God's Word, Spirit and love to live Christlike lives. God moves through their lives to teach others with the same impact as Jesus Christ. What a holy and eternal calling. This book has been written to encourage and remind teachers of the great commission God has called them into.
Please feel free to get in touch with us if you have any questions!
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